icon Documentation

Getting The Bits


To begin using EBSconnect, you need to make sure you have the following done:

  • 1. Install the nuget package

    In your package manager console, run Install-Package ebsconnect

    We use the MyGet platform to deliver updates, because it makes quick updating super easy.

  • 2. Get a license

    To make this work, you'll need to purchase at least one of the components and have the License.lic included your project. We will send you all the necessary information

  • 3. Setup your project

    When you install the nuget library, a number of entries will be added to your appSettings section of your app.config or web.config. Make sure you examine the entries and fill in the values where required.

For more information, please check here.

It's this easy!
Get Type List (Useful call for "verifying" authentication and connectivity)
var ebsConnect = new EBSConnect("username", "password", "service user id");
var fileTypeList = ebsConnect.GetTypeListing();

Health Card Validation (HCV)

Validate health cards this easily!

var ebsConnect = new EBSConnect("username", "password", "service user id");
var result = client.HCV.Verify("2222222222", "AB");

View the complete API Documentation for more examples.